soft yet strong impact

I would like to share two incidents from my day today. First-A lady from whom I bought show pieces didnt let me move ahead without buying anything, I had no idea of the real value of the art and hence I said maam I really am grateful for your kind gestrure and price negotiation that you have done however I am afraid I cant put a value to your piece of art as I dont have knowledge of the metal price and above that I value art and hardwork put in by you. She said you are a customer whom I would like to win for long time and would love to see you at my shop again. 
Second incident- I saw an old uncle who was probably in his seventies and was using walker stick for support while he tried to sell balls that had light in them. The moment I saw him a question raised in my mind, what is he going through in his life that at so old an age he has to be on road for earnings, I respected him for his dignity and will power that kept him moving.

I learnt from these two incidents that you dont really need words to touch a heart, your actions do the same magic. Also it is not important for every action or word to be related to you in person for it to touch your heart.

Manisha Dawar

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Fiction, Relationship and Learning from Life MadhuKarama Gurugram India